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Social Movements and Migration in Latinx American Theater

Movement and migration is integral to the formation of hemispheric America. From the movement of entire villages as a way of living, to forced migrations, diasporas and the very ships that carried the name America from the Iberian peninsula across the Atlantic to the Southern cone. This class will examine stories, plays and other literary works to examine different meanings associated with migrational histories, mobilities and exile. As the course proceeds, we will focus primarily on the western pacific of the U.S. Southwest, Mexico, and Chile from the mid-fifteenth century to the contemporary work of Emilio Carballido, Carmen Aguirre, and Culture Clash. Students will be introduced to a variety of theatrical play texts as literary works in English translation, with some performance, plays, poetry, and novel, with staged readings and short scene work.



An undergraduate student project sharing final papers from TDPS 126 of Fall 2017.



What would a mytho-poetics of inclusion (versus xenophobia) look like as a future vision in the United States or beyond nationalisms in the pacific hemisphere of America?

How do gendered geographies shape the limits or possibilities of this future, or new spaces of transnational alliance among immigrants, refugees, and those in exile?

What is the role of writing and the word in liberating land-property in the present day, and how is the word (read: speech) a part of shaping old and new political imaginations?

What does it mean to understand land, labor, and law differently around issues of migration and social justice? How does this endeavor implicate space, time, history, and the life of things?


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